Danger Grid
by Games Like Forever

Making the game Danger Grid takes like forever, hence the company name Games Like Forever.

Danger Grid

General Information

Developer - Games Like Forever

Publisher - Games Like Forever

Release - 2019

website - www.gameslikeforever.com

Available on

Social Media

What's that? Laser?

But it will be an awesome game, and yes, include lasers. You can follow the development here and on social media - stay tuned.

danger grid

Danger Grid takes you on an adventure through retro futuristic worlds of pixelated environments, low poly spaceships, strange alien creatures, and glowing neon lights.

danger grid

Travel and explore the Danger Grid, a large procedural universe of near infinite dimensions, by jumping through the gateway that connects all the worlds into a grid.

danger grid

Trade commodities between the different worlds, mine resources, and make a profit. Upgrade the shield and lasers of your Explorer to better deal with the many dangers in the Danger Grid.

Games Like Forever is the spare time indie game project of @MortenPerriard.

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