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Killer Bees Game by Philips & Magnavox - Magnavox Odyssey 2 Classic

Experience the classic action-packed game "Killer Bees" on the Magnavox Odyssey 2. Control a swarm of white bees to defend Earth from the invading Beebots. Engage in 26 challenging levels and score high by stinging and zapping foes.

Philips Videopac 52 Killer Bees

General Information

Developer - Philips/ Magnavox/GST Video

Publisher - Philips/ Magnavox

Release - 1983

Platform - Magnavox Odyssey 2

Genre - Shooter

Number of players - 1P / 2P ( Alternate)

Philips Videopac 52 Killer Bees

"Killer Bees," a captivating game developed by Philips and Magnavox for the Magnavox Odyssey 2, immerses players in an intense battle against the insect invaders from the civilization of BEM. As the Beebots, protected by swarms of lethal Killer Bees, attempt to conquer Earth, players must command a resilient swarm of white bees to fend off the invasion.

The gameplay involves maneuvering the white bees to fly over the Beebots, stinging them to slow their movement until they perish. Each defeated Beebot leaves a grave marker, complicating the path for the remaining enemies. The Beebots exhibit distinct movement patterns: red Beebots move clockwise, while blue ones move counterclockwise.

The player's white bee swarm faces constant threats from the Killer Bees, which grow increasingly formidable, shifting from green to blue and finally to red. The only defense against these escalating dangers is the bug-zapping RoSHa Ray, activated with the action button and recharged by each Beebot killed. The Ray aligns with the vertical movement of the white bees, providing a crucial tactical advantage.

The game spans 26 levels of escalating difficulty. Points are accumulated through various actions: one point per sting, ten points per zapped swarm, and 100 points per defeated Beebot. Completing each round awards bonus points based on the number of surviving bees, multiplied by the current round number.

"Killer Bees" offers a thrilling blend of strategy and action, challenging players to master their bee swarm and protect Earth from the relentless Beebot invasion.

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