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Philips Videopac 28 Electronic Volleyball: A Unique Twist on Classic Gameplay

Experience the fusion of volleyball and Pong in Philips Videopac 28 Electronic Volleyball! Engage in thrilling matches with unique gameplay mechanics.

Learn more about this innovative game by Philips and Magnavox.

Philips Videopac 28 Electronic Volleyball

General Information

Developer - Ed Averett, Philips

Publisher - Magnavox / Philips

Release - 1980/1981

Platform - Magnavox Odyssey 2

Genre - Sports

Number of players - 1P / 2P ( Alternate)

Philips Videopac 28 Electronic Volleyball

Dive into the exciting world of Philips Videopac 28 Electronic Volleyball, where traditional volleyball rules meet a captivating twist.

Developed by Philips and Magnavox, this game offers a fresh take on the sport, blending elements of volleyball with the classic arcade game, Pong.

In this game, each six-man team is separated by a line resembling a net. However, unlike traditional volleyball, the line is open at the top, allowing the ball to pass through into the opposing court. Players can pass the ball multiple times within their court, utilizing strategic maneuvers to outsmart their opponents.

Controlling the entire team with the joystick, players navigate their formation to intercept and return the ball. The ball can be bounced off the "net" and the back of the court, but must avoid touching the bottom of the screen to remain in play.

A dynamic status display at the bottom of the screen provides clear updates on game events, including serve changes, spikes, and scoring. With its innovative gameplay mechanics and engaging features, Philips Videopac 28 Electronic Volleyball promises hours of entertainment for players of all ages.

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