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Philips Videopac 27 Electronic Table Football: A Classic Game on Magnavox Odyssey 2 | Philips & Magnavox

Dive into the nostalgia of Philips Videopac 27 Electronic Table Football, also known as foosball, on Magnavox Odyssey 2.

Experience the thrill of scoring goals in this classic game by Philips and Magnavox.

Philips Videopac 27 Electronic Table Football

General Information

Developer - Philips

Publisher - Magnavox / Philips

Release - 1980

Platform - Magnavox Odyssey 2

Genre - Sports

Number of players - 1P / 2P ( Alternate)

Philips Videopac 27 Electronic Table Football

Step back in time with Philips Videopac 27 Electronic Table Football, an exciting rendition of the popular game also known as foosball or table football.

Developed by Philips and Magnavox, this classic game for the Magnavox Odyssey 2 console brings the thrill of soccer right into your living room. Each row of players is controlled as a single entity, challenging your skills to maneuver and score goals against your opponent.

Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the game, Philips Videopac 27 offers hours of immersive entertainment as you compete to outmaneuver your opponent and secure victory. Relive the excitement of classic gaming with Philips and Magnavox's timeless creation on the Magnavox Odyssey 2.

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