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VoxOdyssey | Retro and Classic Consoles | Magnavox Odyssey 2 | Out of this World / Helicopter Rescue

Out of This World & Helicopter Rescue: Retro Gaming Classics (1979) | Magnavox Odyssey2

Relive the excitement of 1979 with Magnavox's retro classics, 'Out of This World' and 'Helicopter Rescue.'

Maneuver space landers in interstellar training or race against time for daring helicopter rescues. Experience nostalgia with these iconic games!

Out of this World / Helicopter Rescue

General Information

Developer - Magnavox

Publisher - Magnavox

Release - January 1, 1979

Platform - Magnavox Odyssey 2

Genre - Shooter

Number of players - 1P / 2P

Out of this World / Helicopter Rescue

Step back in time to 1979 with two iconic Magnavox games: 'Out of This World' and 'Helicopter Rescue.'

Out of This World (Odyssey2 Reentry Basic Interstellar Training Simulator):

Take control of your space lander and compete against your opponent in a thrilling interstellar training simulation. As the mother ship orbits distant planets, conserve your fuel by firing thrusters intermittently. You'll need every drop to blast off and rendezvous with the ever-changing mother ship. Encounter the challenges of three electronic gravity fields, simulating the conditions of Jupiter, Mars, and the moon. Enjoy full sync-sound action, digital scoring, and the option to play with a friend.

Helicopter Rescue:

In this heart-pounding mission, time is of the essence. You have a mere two minutes to save as many lives as possible from impending disaster at the Doomsday Hotel. Precision flying is essential as you position your chopper and board survivors. Immerse yourself in the action with sync-sound effects, digital scoring, an on-screen timer, and realistic flight control. Whether you're flying solo or with friends, the challenge awaits.

Relive the golden era of gaming with these two classics and experience the thrill of 1979 all over again!

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