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VoxOdyssey | Retro and Classic COnsoles | Magnavox Odyssey 2 | K.C. Munchkin!

K.C. Munchkin! on the Magnavox Odyssey 2
Addictive and Challenging Maze Game

Embark on an addictive maze adventure with K.C. Munchkin! Released by Magnavox on January 1, 1981, this game will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Help your Munchkin munch on the MUNCHIES while avoiding being munched by the MUNCHERS. Experience increasing skill levels for a greater challenge. Explore countless computer-generated mazes or create your own. Enjoy advanced digital scoring, sync-sound action, and multiplayer fun. Get ready to be captivated by this engaging game!

K.C. Munchkin!

General Information

Developer - Magnavox

Publisher - Magnavox

Release - January 1, 1981

Platform - Magnavox Odyssey 2

Genre - Action

Number of players - 1P /2P

K.C. Munchkin!

Step into the captivating world of K.C. Munchkin! Developed by Magnavox and released on January 1, 1981, this maze game offers an addictive and challenging experience that will keep you hooked for hours. Your goal is to guide your Munchkin through the maze, devouring MUNCHIES along the way while avoiding the menacing MUNCHERS.

As you progress, the game dynamically adjusts the skill levels, providing an ever-increasing challenge. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned player, the excitement never stops. Prepare to be amazed as the computer generates numerous different mazes for endless exploration, or flex your creativity by designing your own maze. For those looking to take their skills to the next level, invisible mazes await when you become a pro.

K.C. Munchkin boasts advanced digital scoring, ensuring that you keep track of your achievements. The memory display shows the player's name, score, and the current play's score, adding an extra layer of competition. Immerse yourself in the game with sync-sound action that enhances the overall experience.

Gather your friends or family, as this game supports multiplayer gameplay. Any number of players can join in the fun, creating unforgettable moments of shared excitement.

Prepare to be captivated by the addictive gameplay and immerse yourself in the captivating world of K.C. Munchkin! Get ready for a maze adventure like no other.

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