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Interton Video Computer 4000 Cassette 7: Air/Sea Battle a Classic Game

"Air/Sea Battle" was a classic video game on Interton Video Computer 4000. Players defend a base in air and sea modes, adjusting weapons and difficulty for hours of intense action

The player can control a fighter plane, firing missiles at enemy planes, or a naval ship, firing torpedoes at enemy ships.

Cassette 7: Air/Sea Battle

General Information

Developer - Interton

Publisher - Interton

Release - 1978

Platform - Interton Video Computer 4000 Game Cart

Genre - Shoot em up

Number of players - 1P / 2P

Cassette 7: Air/Sea Battle

"Air/Sea Battle" was a classic video game released on the Interton Video Computer 4000, which was a home console system that was popular in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The game was stored on a cassette tape and loaded into the console.

In "Air/Sea Battle," the player takes on the role of a military commander, responsible for defending a base from enemy attacks. The game features two modes: air and sea battles.

In the air battle mode, the player controls a fighter plane, flying back and forth across the screen and firing missiles at enemy planes that fly overhead. The goal is to destroy as many enemy planes as possible before they can bomb the player's base. The player can also control the speed of their plane and adjust the angle of their missiles.

In the sea battle mode, the player controls a naval ship, firing torpedoes at enemy ships that appear on the horizon. The goal is to sink as many enemy ships as possible before they can destroy the player's base. The player can also adjust the speed and trajectory of their torpedoes.

Both modes have different levels of difficulty and speed, making the game increasingly challenging as the player progresses. The game also features a two-player mode, where two players can compete against each other in either the air or sea battles.

Overall, "Air/Sea Battle" was a popular game on the Interton Video Computer 4000, providing players with hours of entertaining gameplay and intense action.

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