Fallback Uprising

Habbo Spring Fashion bu Habbo and Sulake

Habbo is looking for the best fashion designers to create a new fashion accessory for the summer collection.

General Information

Developer - Sampo Karjalainen, Aapo Kyrölä

Publisher - Sulake

Release - August 2012

Platform(s) - online community

Number of Players - Multiplayer

Genre - Social world-building game

Starting today, the Habbo users have a week to send in their creative fashion designs as pixel art using a template downloaded from the Habbo website. On April 28th, staff from each hotel will announce the 10 best designers to take part in a community vote for the favorite design to be put forward to a global vote on May 7th. The three best designs determined by the global Habbo community will be judged by the Habbo design team, and the winning design will become an iconic, exclusive, pixelated accessory sold only during the summer campaign on all sites. After the summer campaign in June all the proceeds of the fashion accessory item will be donated to a global charity chosen by the winner.

The fashion competition is part of a campaign during which the users can participate in fashion school via several different games in Habbo, ranging from fashion related quizzes, to dress up games and fashion show preparations. Run once before in 2016, Habbo Fashion Month is extremely popular with the community due to the number of clothing items that are released. Clothing items are always desirable, usually significantly more compared to the furniture items most campaigns are made up of.

There are tons of other prizes up for grabs on your runway to the top, including special and limited-edition badges, BC and HC, credits and VIP bundles. Not feeling that creative? You can still participate in fashion school via several different games, ranging from fashion related quizzes to dress up games and fashion show preparations as part of the overall Habbo Spring Fashion event.

“We’re very excited to announce the start of the Habbo Fashion Design Competition,” said Valtteri Karu, CEO of Sulake. “This competition is the perfect opportunity for our community to show off their creative flair and have their own item of clothing available to buy in the store with the proceeds going to a charity of their choice. We wish everyone the best of luck and can’t wait to see what you come up with!”

The winners of the competition will be announced on May 13th and the winning design will go into development with our art team and then launched as part of the Habbo summer collection in June.

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