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Kabobber by Activision on the Atari 2600

Kabobber was originally a prototype game that was programmed by Rex Bradford, known for his work on Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars: Jedi Arena.

General Information

Developer - Activision

Publisher - Activision

Release - 1983 released to the public in 2001 Prototype

Platform(s) - Atari 2600

Number of Players - Single Player

Genre - Arcade - Miscellaneous

It was discovered in 2000 and improved upon a little before being released to the public in ROM format. Kabobbers are strange (but cute) little creatures who just love wreaking havoc. Your objective is to send in your Buvskies to krush the Kabobbers before they krush you. You can have up to nine Buvskies onscreen at one time, but you have reserves waiting offscreen should one get krushed. You move your Bruvskies across the grid, jumping on enemy Kabobbers in order to defeat them and earn additional reserve Bruvskies. The baby Bruvskies become big ones when they defeat an enemy. The enemies get tougher and tougher, meaning very good timing is required in the later stages. Above all, you must reach Princess Buvsky before she reaches the rainbow energy at the other end of the level and devours it. A very unique game, but also somewhat fun.


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