A gripping story, full of mysteries to uncover and wonders to unravel.
General Information
Developer - Anima Project
Publisher - TBA
Date Released - TBA
Website - www.songfromtheabyss.com/
An imperial zeppelin plunges into chaos when, incomprehensibly, most of his crew disappear. Faced with an unknown threat, the only remaining Heaven Order knight on the airship tries to protect its cargo; a powerful artifact from times past.
But unknowingly, he triggers a terrible catastrophe by freeing a legendary witch who was locked inside.
As the zeppelin falls into the depths of a strange place known as the Abyss, the mysterious woman offers a deal to the knight in exchange for his salvation; He must help her discover what destroyed her civilization and why she was imprisoned.
Song from the Abyss is the new Action RPG set in the world of Gaïa, from the renowned roleplaying book franchise Anima Beyond Fantasy. The game allows you to control two different characters and explore a world full of mysteries. Experience a fluid combat system and a deep story with unforgettable characters.